Shower calculator
No showers are quite the same! We all have different shower heads, different flow rates, different water pressure, different heating systems, different gas or electricity prices - and to top it off around 50% of us (and growing) have water meters!
Here at ShowerBoB, all our savings calculations are based on an average UK shower of '8 minutes', with a relatively low '8 litres/minute' hand-held flow rate - but these are on the cautious side with showers often running at 12-14 litres/minute.
With help from our friends at Livlet, you can now calculate the true cost of your shower habits as well as the savings you can enjoy with help from a ShowerBoB water-saving device - daily, monthly and yearly.
Here at ShowerBoB, all our savings calculations are based on an average UK shower of '8 minutes', with a relatively low '8 litres/minute' hand-held flow rate - but these are on the cautious side with showers often running at 12-14 litres/minute.
With help from our friends at Livlet, you can now calculate the true cost of your shower habits as well as the savings you can enjoy with help from a ShowerBoB water-saving device - daily, monthly and yearly.
Personalise the calculator to your shower
You can personalise the calculator based on your own shower's flow rate - with clear instructions on how to measure it.
Personalise the calcuator to your energy rates
Even better, you can personalise the price of your gas or electricity based on the latest price cap or your utility providers rates. Select 'Edit assumptions', enter the unit price per kWh of your water-heating (gas or electricity), and press 'Save'.
How much water, energy and money can you save with ShowerBoB?
You can personalise the calculator based on your own shower's flow rate - with clear instructions on how to measure it.
Personalise the calcuator to your energy rates
Even better, you can personalise the price of your gas or electricity based on the latest price cap or your utility providers rates. Select 'Edit assumptions', enter the unit price per kWh of your water-heating (gas or electricity), and press 'Save'.
How much water, energy and money can you save with ShowerBoB?